Cultural Differences and Discrimination
How to cope when your child is affected by cross cultural issues, ...
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Most people would say they know when they’re being treated respectfully but they might have trouble explaining what it is.
It can also be hard to know when we’re being disrespectful towards others, especially when we feel upset and may have a hard time maintaining self-control.
Being respectful is something we learn through interactions with other people. Being respectful can come easily to some children but not others.
As a parent you play an important role helping your child build self-respect and the skills they need to respect others.
Respect in relationships exists in many forms:
Kids may experience a lack of respect in their relationships at home or at school.
When kids aren’t feeling safe, supported and cared for, they may show this through their behaviour and emotions.
A child who is feeling distressed or unsafe may experience:
Teaching your child the skills to be respectful helps them to value their needs as well as other's needs.
Try active listening by taking a moment to repeat back what you hear them say, eg. "so what I heard you say is…"
Learn to be assertive and ask for what you want in a calm yet firm way without being passive or aggressive
Understanding and empathy – ask yourself what your child’s world is like right now. What might they be going through?
Conflict resolution – try to negotiate on the little things but at the same time identify the big issues that are non-negotiable
Decision making skills – avoid imposing solutions, encourage your child to think of options and consequences first
Be honest - this will encourage trust and acceptance in the relationship and avoid misunderstandings and potential conflict
Anger management – teach kids to stop, think and then speak their minds in a calm way
Problem solving skills – help your child name the problem and express their feelings in words so you can discuss it and find a solution together
But you don’t have to go through this alone, we’re here to help!
If you’re struggling with a parenting issue give us a call on 1300 30 1300 (QLD & NT).
Not living in QLD or NT? Check out this list of Parentline counselling services in each state and territory.
Cultural Differences and Discrimination
How to cope when your child is affected by cross cultural issues, ...
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Building strong family relationships supports your child to cope with challenges and ...
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Parenting can be a tough job but it can also be really ...
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