Developmental Milestones
Your child is coming into their own! Growing and developing rapidly from ...
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“It didn’t matter what I tried, my child would only eat bananas and rice crackers. It was good to be able to talk to someone and know that what I was experiencing is common and with time things would get better.”
- Sam, mother of a three year old
When dealing with fussy eaters, here’s a few things to keep in mind:
Your child will eat when they are hungry
Your child often needs 5-6 small meals each day
Fussy eating varies – from picking at food to not eating at all
The amount of food your child eats can change at each meal and from day to day
Eating is a learning experience for your child and it is normal for them to be fussy about eating at times
It is important to seek professional help if your child continues to refuse meals, has low energy levels and is losing weight
Preparing meals to cater for the whole family is challenging at the best of times.
Catering for fussy eaters can lead to extra parenting stress and pressure.
If you start to notice yourself feeling any of the following then it’s probably a good idea to seek support:
We're here for you.
If you need some extra support with your child’s fussy eating or another parenting issue, give us a call on 1300 30 1300 (QLD & NT) and speak to one of our trained counsellors.
Not living in QLD or NT? Check out this list of Parentline counselling services in each state and territory.
Developmental Milestones
Your child is coming into their own! Growing and developing rapidly from ...
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Parenting can be a tough job but it can also be really ...
READ MEParentline is here for you.
Sometimes you just need to talk to someone. Sometimes you need guidance.