Help us help families in need...

Parentline is a service of yourtown, a registered charity and public company providing services including Kids Helpline, training and employment services for young people, parent education and specialist accommodation for families.
Our funding
yourtown is predominantly funded by the community through our Art Unions, donations and fundraising.
Your support helps us to answer the calls of parents and carers in Queensland and the Northern Territory. It also allows us to tackle the issues affecting the lives of young people in Australia to find jobs, learn skills, become good parents and live safe happy lives.
How you can make a difference...
Donations & Regular Giving
The most direct way to fund services and create brighter futures.
Support us to Win!
When you buy tickets in the yourtown Prize Home and Prestige Car draws, you’re supporting Parentline and other services, such as Kids Helpline.
Make a Bequest
Your enduring generosity can make a real difference.
Fundraising & Events
Get involved today! The generosity and support of schools, workplaces, and individuals help us to fund our vital services.
Corporate Support
We've made it easy for businesses large or small to partner with us.